Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Observer seems to have forgotton to hide thier bias.

Artificial muscles for superhuman soldiers

Jo Revill
Sunday March 19, 2006
The Observer

Scientists have developed artificial, super-strength muscles powered by alcohol and hydrogen, which could eventually be used to make much better prosthetic limbs. The artificial muscles are 100 times more powerful than the body's own, and researchers believe they could be modified one day to use in 'exoskeletons', to give superhuman strength to certain professions such as firefighters, soldiers and astronauts.
Two types of muscle are being investigated by US researchers at the Nanotech Institute at the University of Texas in Dallas, working with colleagues from South Korea. Writing in the journal Science, they explain that both kinds release the chemical energy of fuels, such as hydrogen and alcohol, while consuming oxygen. The muscles are replicating the first stage in breathing, by taking in oxygen. The existing versions of these artificial muscles are driven by batteries.

Oh, so they are planning on using them in exoskeletons for people OTHER than soldiers?

However, neither of the types developed by researchers looks even slightly like a normal muscle - they are made up of wires, cantilevers and glass bottles.

Give them time.

I am fully in favor of developing this technology. Haveing an artifical limb sucks, even if it is motorised. Ask Jesse Sullivan.


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