Thursday, March 23, 2006

St. Paul, Minn. Officials Ban Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny has been sent packing at St. Paul City Hall.

A toy rabbit, pastel-colored eggs and a sign with the words "Happy Easter" were removed from the lobby of the City Council offices, because of concerns they might offend non-Christians.

A council secretary had put up the decorations. They were not bought with city money.

St. Paul's human rights director, Tyrone Terrill, asked that the decorations be removed, saying they could be offensive to non-Christians.

But City Council member Dave Thune says removing the decorations went too far, and he wonders why they can't celebrate spring with "bunnies and fake grass."

Wonder why it was banned. I mean, the Easter Bunny hasn't a damn thing to do with Jesus. The Easter Bunny is pretty secular if you ask me, its just there for the stores to make money from. Some people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, What, What?? Poor Easter bunny.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Deathknyte said...


3:51 PM  

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